60 Proven Ways to Make a Guy Fall in Love with You

Falling in love is one of life’s greatest joys. When you meet someone special, you can’t help but wonder – how do I make him fall for me?

As a relationship coach with over 15 years of experience, I’ve helped countless women attract the love they deserve. The truth is, there are certain psychological triggers and behaviors that make it easy to capture a man’s heart if you know how to use them.

In this ultimate guide, I’m going to reveal 70+ proven ways to make a guy fall head over heels in love with you. From subtle touches to thoughtful gestures, these tips cover everything you need to know to get the man of your dreams.

Understand What Men Find Attractive in a Woman

Before diving into specific techniques, it’s important to understand what draws men in. What makes a woman utterly irresistible in a man’s eyes?

Here are the top things that studies show men find most attractive in a romantic partner:

  • Confidence – Nothing is sexier than a woman who owns her worth and carries herself with grace and assurance. She doesn’t need validation.
  • Intelligence – A witty, sharp mind is a huge turn-on. Men love women who can hold intellectual conversations and challenge them mentally.
  • Independence – Men are drawn to women who have their own interests, friends, and passions. Clinginess is a major turn-off.
  • Humor – The ability to make him laugh is huge. Having a playful, humorous banter keeps things fun and exciting.
  • Supportiveness – Offering genuine encouragement and support of his dreams makes a woman much more desirable.
  • Authenticity – Just being yourself unapologetically is hugely attractive. Fakeness and pretense is obvious and off-putting.

Keep these top attractive qualities in mind as you use the following tips to make him fall hard for you.

How to Make a Guy Fall in Love with You

1. Make Eye Contact

Strong, prolonged eye contact triggers a primal instinctual desire in men. When you lock eyes with him, hold the gaze for a few seconds longer than normal before glancing away.

This builds sexual tension and makes him want you more. But use it sparingly to avoid being too intense.

2. Show Your Confidence

Walk, talk, and carry yourself with confidence. Keep your head high, shoulders back, and make decisive movements. Self-assurance is sexy and alluring to men. But take care not to cross over into arrogance.

3. Dress to Impress

Put effort into your appearance when you see him without going overboard. Wear flattering outfits that highlight your best assets.

A little leg or cleavage can drive him wild. Scent is also powerful – wear perfume in key pulse spots like wrists, neck, and decolletage.

4. Initiate Touch

Find subtle ways to initiate physical contact like a touch on his arm when you’re emphasizing a point, brushing knees under the table, or resting your hand on his lower back. This builds sexual tension between you. But don’t overdo it or he may feel smothered.

5. Use Open Body Language

Face him directly, keep your arms uncrossed, and lean in toward him when talking. This shows you’re receptive and interested in him. Avoid crossed arms and leaning away which can seem closed off or defensive.

6. Laugh at His Jokes

Genuine laughter makes people feel good about themselves. When he cracks a joke, give him your real laugh rather than just a polite chuckle.

Seeing you appreciate his humor is a huge ego boost. Just avoid going over-the-top.

7. Be Vulnerable

Open up about your hopes, fears, and dreams with him. Revealing intimate emotions and thoughts helps create a bond and feelings of trust. Just take care not to overshare too much too soon.

8. Compliment Him

Offer sincere compliments when he does or says something you genuinely admire. Thank him for listening after you share something personal. Tell him he looks nice in that shirt. Build him up but avoid flattery that seems fake.

9. Let Him Help You

Ask him for advice on something he’s knowledgeable about. Let him open jars for you or help hang photos. Men have a natural instinct to provide and protect. Giving him these opportunities makes him feel valued. But don’t play helpless.

10. Remember Important Details

Show you care by remembering meaningful details about him – like his favorite sports team, obscure hobbies, or favorite flavor ice cream. Referencing these in conversation shows you’ve been listening and he’s important to you.

11. Maintain Independence

Though it’s tempting when falling for someone, refrain from abandoning your own hobbies, friendships, and interests. Having your own fulfilling life outside of him is attractive. Clinginess is a red flag.

12. Give Him Space

Avoid smothering him or insisting on constant contact. Let him have guy time and give him space to miss you. The chase is thrilling. But be responsive when he does reach out to show you’re interested.

13. Get Flirty

Break touch barriers, make eye contact, lean in close, lick your lips, lower your voice, and find other subtle ways to flirt that create sexual tension. But don’t be overly sexual at first or you risk being seen as “easy.” Make him work for it a bit.

14. Take Care of Yourself

Stay fit, eat healthy, pursue your passions, and make time for self-care. Embodying an attractive lifestyle that energizes you makes you wildly appealing to men. Having your own fulfilling life is sexy.

15. Be Positive

Radiate positivity in your attitude and outlook. Be playful and affectionate. Avoid complaining or dwelling on the negative. Seeing you happy will, in turn, make him happy and want to be around you more.

16. Be Adventurous

Try new activities, foods, and experiences with an open mind. Say yes to healthy risks and adventures. Embracing life fully and authentically is magnetic. Allow your vibrant spirit to shine.

17. Find Common Interests

Bond over shared interests like travel, sports, films, music, or food. Having things in common strengthens your connection. Explore each other’s passions. Just avoid morphing into his identical interests. Maintain your independence.

18. Give Thoughtful Gifts

Give small meaningful gifts like a book he mentioned wanting to read, his favorite snack or drink, or a handwritten love note. Thoughtful gifts show you were listening and make him feel cared for. But avoid extravagant gifts too soon.

19. Reciprocate Pursuit

While it’s attractive to sometimes act coy, reciprocate interest and pursuit when he initiates it. After he texts you, text him back in a timely manner. Accept dates he asks you on. Reach out to initiate contact sometimes too.

20. Embrace Femininity

Embrace your feminine energy by being affectionate, playful, nurturing, intuitive, and sensual. Feminine energy balances a man’s masculine nature. But don’t sacrifice your strength or ambitions. Be soft yet strong.

21. Show Appreciation

Express gratitude when he does kind or helpful things for you like fixes something at your place, brings you soup when sick, or listens after a bad day. Show you notice and appreciate his efforts. But avoid gushing praises.

22. Get Physical

Once you’ve established some intimacy, increase physical closeness with kissing, hand holding, cuddling, and sex. Affection releases bonding hormones. But move at a pace you’re comfortable with and avoid giving it all away too fast.

23. Be Patient

Understand men often open up emotionally slower than women. Avoid pressuring him to commit or say “I love you” before he’s ready. Let things progress organically, giving him space when needed. Patience is key.

24. Make Time for Each Other

Despite busy schedules, prioritize quality time together free of distractions like phones, TV, or friends. Engaged presence strengthens intimacy. Stay present, not just physically together while mentally elsewhere.

25. Use Playful Banter

Flirty, playful teasing, banter, and challenging keeps things fun and interesting. But avoid hurtful jabs. Lighthearted humor bonds couples. Laughter and silliness are the antithesis of boredom.

26. Try New Things

Experience novel activities and adventures together like hiking, salsa dancing lessons, painting classes, or trips. Sharing new experiences creates shared memories that bond you.

27. Be Direct

Don’t expect him to read your mind. Express your feelings and desires directly while still seeming coy. Hints are easily missed. But avoid overbearing demands or nagging. Simply express your direct wishes.

28. Boost His Ego

Compliment his appearance, talents, or accomplishments. But avoid flattery that seems insincere. Validation from you means a lot, but don’t lay it on too thick. Be his cheerleader, not his worshipper.

29. Accept Imperfection

No one is perfect. Practice compassion for his flaws rather than judgment. See the beauty in his imperfections. Nitpicking or attempting to change him will only breed resentment and disconnect you.

30. Discuss the Future

Chat casually about future plans like vacations, weddings, kids, homes. This subtly plants seeds implying you see a future together. But avoid too much future talk too soon or you may scare him off.

31. Set Healthy Boundaries

Stick to reasonable relationship expectations around communication, intimacy, commitment timelines, and more. Compromise. But avoid sacrificing your needs or well-being. Self-respect is mandatory.

32. Be Open to His Perspective

Even when you disagree, hear him out and be open-minded. See his side. Validating his perspective makes him feel respected even when you have differing views. Keep communication open.

33. Embrace Your Quirks

Weird dances, obscure hobbies, goofy jokes, passion for something nerdy – embrace it all unapologetically. Owning your quirks and being your authentic self is endearing and attractive.

34. Trust Him

Building a foundation of trust is vital. Give him the benefit of the doubt rather than assuming ill intent. Take reasonable risks. Betrayals of trust should be addressed. But avoid baseless distrust or you’ll create a self-fulfilling prophecy.

35. Common Courtesy

Practice basic manners and courtesy which are strangely rare these days. Hold doors, say please and thank you, avoid checking phones mid-conversation, be punctual, etc. Class and respect never go out of style.

36. Boost Intimacy with Touch

Hold hands, caress his arm, graze legs together under the table, snuggle on the couch. Affectionate touch releases bonding hormones essential for relationships. But always respect boundaries.

37. Speak Your Needs

Clearly articulate your needs and relationship expectations. But avoid nagging demands or trying to change him. Healthy relationships involve reasonable compromises that honor both partners’ needs.

38. Set Relationship Goals

Discuss shared goals like saving for a house, starting a family, traveling together. Having mutual goals bonds couples and gives a sense of shared purpose. But avoid rigid expectations. Go with the flow.

39. Surprise Him

Keep things exciting by surprising him with fun date nights he doesn’t see coming – concert tickets, romantic dinners, hiking by moonlight. The element of surprise stops boredom in its tracks.

40. Respect His Friends

Befriend his friends and show genuine interest in them. Strong bonds with friends indicates how he’ll treat you long-term. But don’t force friendships. Let them happen organically.

41. Maintain Your Identity

Avoid morphing into his clone. Keep your own distinct interests, hobbies, friend groups, and identity outside the relationship. Maintaining independence is healthy and keeps things interesting.

42. Show You’re Thinking of Him

Send sweet texts saying you miss him or are thinking of him. Leave a love note on his car. Little gestures to show you care make his day and feed his heart. But avoid smothering him.

43. Give Each Other Nicknames

Create cute nicknames just between the two of you. Studies show inside jokes and secret languages bond couples. The sillier, the better! But nothing offensive – keep it playful.

44. Allow Vulnerability

Let your guard down, get emotional, share insecurities. Avoiding vulnerability can hinder intimacy. Revealing your authentic self fosters closeness. Just take it slow. Rushing it may scare him off.

45. Have Fun Together

Don’t take life too seriously. Play, be silly, try new adventures, be spontaneous. A couple that can be childlike together stays young at heart. Make each other laugh every day. Joy bonds.

46. Listen More Than You Speak

Men complain women don’t listen. Give him your full attention. Put down your phone, maintain eye contact, ask questions about what he says. Reflect his feelings. He’ll feel truly heard.

47. Appreciate His Masculinity

Validate his desire to provide, protect, and problem solve. Appreciate his strength, bravery, chivalry, handyman skills, even his taste in power tools! Appreciating his masculine essence makes him feel valued.

48. Slow Things Down

Resist the urge to rush into constant contact, defining the relationship, meeting family/friends, or premature commitments. Enjoy dating and letting things unfold organically. Rushing often backfires.

49. Communicate Clearly

State your feelings and needs clearly and directly versus hinting. But avoid nagging or passive aggression. Clear communication avoids misunderstandings. But know not everything needs to be said.

50. Lift Each Other Up

Be each other’s cheerleader. Celebrate accomplishments, defend against criticism, hype each other up. Mutual support cements bonds. A “you versus the world” mentality bonds couples.

51. Laugh Together

Shared laughter and inside jokes are relationship glue. Watch funny movies, go to comedy clubs, make each other laugh daily. Humor alleviates stress and keeps things light. But avoid humor that hurts or embarrasses.

52. Stand Up for Each Other

Support each other publicly against criticism, mistreatment, or disrespect from others. Having each other’s back breeds loyalty. But avoid being combative or defensive over small slights. Pick battles wisely.

53. Share Growth & Self-Discovery

As you grow and change, share revelations, epiphanies, lessons learned, and goals for self-improvement. Growth should enhance your connection, not isolate you. Mutual support aids growth.

54. Be Present over Perfect

Moments of imperfection allow deeper intimacy. No one’s perfect. Allow yourself to be seen, moods and all. Let your hair down. Stay grounded in the moment versus trying to orchestrate perfect scenes.

55. Serve Each Other

Find small ways to make each other’s lives easier – cook dinner, walk the dog, handle a chore they dislike. Small acts of service show you care and lighten each other’s load.

56. Take Spontaneous Adventures

Break routines with spontaneous day trips, hiking excursions, or hitting up a new restaurant. Spontaneity keeps things exciting, emotionally bonding, and full of surprises. Avoid complacency.

57. Compromise

You won’t agree on everything. Compromise when needed, finding solutions that honor both perspectives. Stubbornness can damage relationships. Communicate openly to find win/win compromises.

58. Give Each Other Space

Avoid smothering each other. Too much togetherness breeds complacency and Codependency. Maintain friendships, hobbies, interests outside the relationship. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

59. Keep Promises

Honor your word. Follow through on promises made – big and small. Broken vows erode trust. But avoid making promises you can’t keep. Honesty preserves integrity.

60. Fight Fair

Disagreements are inevitable. But fight respectfully. Avoid name calling, dredging up past issues, holding grudges. Address the issue at hand. Take a break if needed. Conflicts don’t have to rupture bonds.

Conclusion: Making Love Last

Falling in love is just the beginning. The real work starts after the butterflies fade. How do you keep that spark alive for the long haul?

The key is intentionally fostering intimacy through open communication, vulnerability, affection, laughter, and mutual growth (see signs of a serious relationship).

Make your relationship a safe haven from stress (learn effective stress management strategies). Cherish each other daily through small acts of service and appreciation (get tips for appreciating your partner).

No couple is immune from challenges. Discuss issues openly before they fester (see how to talk to your spouse when unhappy).

Avoid dysfunctional patterns like the toxic relationship cycle. Don’t enable immaturity (learn to deal with immaturity in relationships).

At the end of the day, choose each other daily. Love is a verb – it’s shown through actions. With mutual care, respect, laughter, intimacy and fun, your love will continue to deepen for years to come.

I hope these 50+ tips spark ideas for making your partner feel adored! What has worked for you? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Sylvia Smith

Sylvia Smith is an Associate Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with an M.S in Child Development & Family Studies and specialization in Marriage and Family Therapy from Purdue University. She specializes in working with distressed/conflicted couples, parents, and co-parent, and families. Sylvia believes that every couple can transform their relationship into a happier, healthier one by taking purposeful and wholehearted action.

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