As a relationship coach with over 15 years of experience counseling couples, I’ve learned that while men are often visually drawn to women initially, there are many other things girls do that truly captivate guys’ hearts.
From the way she smiles to how she cares for her friends, a woman’s actions can make a man weak at the knees. Oftentimes women don’t even realize the power these simple gestures have over men. My female clients are usually surprised when I share just how enamored guys are by certain feminine behaviors.
In this blog post, I’ll be drawing from my expertise and experience to reveal the 25 most powerful, cute things girls do that guys love and crave. Whether you’re single and want to catch a guy’s attention or you’re already in a relationship and want to make your man fall deeper in love, incorporating more of these behaviors into your daily life is sure to have an effect.
1 Her Smile Lights Up The Room

One of the very first things guys notice about a girl is her smile. When a woman smiles brightly, genuinely, it not only makes her face radiate beauty, but it instantly makes her seem more approachable. Men feel drawn to a girl with a dazzling smile that appears to light up the whole room. It stirs a warmth and lightness within them.
Of course, while some men have a preference for serious, sultry faces, most are captivated by a vibrant smile that suggests happiness, playfulness, and warmth. So don’t hesitate to flash those pearly whites! Let your smile shine through whenever joy or amusement strikes. It’s one of the most powerful things girls do that hooks guys.
2 She Dresses With Style and Confidence

While men certainly appreciate a sexy outfit on a woman, what really captures their attention is when a girl dresses with style and, most importantly, confidence. There’s just something utterly captivating about a woman who dresses purely to please herself, who doesn’t seek outside validation from others about her clothing choices.
Men love a girl who marches to the beat of her own drum and isn’t afraid to show off her personal flair. So build outfits around your individual tastes. Wear pieces because they make you feel happy and confident. By dressing for yourself with style and flair, heads will turn wherever you go.
3 Her Scent Entices

With men being very sensorial creatures, a woman’s natural scent or perfume can be utterly intoxicating. Even catching a whiff of a girl’s shampoo as she brushes past can ignite desire and intrigue within a man.
While they may not openly talk about it, I’ve had many male clients confess they fell for their partner at first sniff. Something about a woman’s fragrance, clean yet sweet, appeals strongly to men’s senses. So don’t underestimate the power of scent. Dab on a signature fragrance or use scented hair and body products that make you feel fabulous. Let your scent entice!
4 She Radiates Kindness
While a girl’s looks may initially grab a guy’s attention from afar, once up close, it’s her kindness that truly makes him fall. Men crave finding a sincere, thoughtful woman to share life with.
Little acts of kindness like asking someone how their day was, helping a struggling mom with her stroller downstairs, or stopping to pet every dog you pass reveal goodness of spirit. And that genuine warmth and care for others resonates strongly with men. It proves you’d make a thoughtful partner and nurturing mother someday.
5 Her Playfulness Comes Out

What guy doesn’t love a girl who is playful and lighthearted? Men crave finding a romantic partner who can be silly and fun-loving at times. Life has enough seriousness as it is.
When a woman bubbles over with laughter, flashes those playful grins in his direction, or gives him a poke in the ribs to break tension, it utterly delights guys. Playfulness suggests a zest for life, a willingness to be adventurous and not take everything so seriously. It’s incredibly attractive.
So let your playful inner spirit shine through! Share goofy inside jokes, put on lively music and dance, have squirt gun or pillow fights. Don’t be afraid to get a little rowdy in showing off your playful side!
6 She’s Passionate About Her Hobbies/Interests

Few things are more captivating to guys than a woman who’s passionate about her hobbies and interests. He loves catching that sparkle in her eye as she raves about photography, gaming, stamps collecting, or whatever unique activity makes her soul come alive.
Seeing a woman lit up with excitement and enthusiasm as she discusses a topic dear to her is utterly alluring. It suggests depth, curiosity, and ambition. Men sign up for that thrilling adventure of exploring mutual interests with a passion-filled romantic partner.
So whether you’re into kayaking, animal rescue, or knitting unusual hats, don’t hesitate to gush about your hobby or interest! Passion is powerfully attractive.
7 Her Nurturing Spirit Emerges
One of the fastest ways for a woman to enchant a guy is through little acts of nurture – preparing his favorite meal when he’s had a bad day, bringing him medicine and tea when sick, or drawing him a relaxing bubble bath if he’s stressed.
Men deeply crave being cared for at times. Yet unfortunately, society has conditioned many guys to suppress this need, believing it makes them appear “weak.” So when a woman steps in to nurture him in little ways, it touches his heart profoundly. It’s a green light that it’s safe to open up emotionally with her.
8 She Radiates Body Confidence

Sure, a guy may admire a woman’s shapely figure, but what really makes him fall is her body confidence. A carefree spirit who exudes comfort in her own skin and doesn’t obsess about tiny imperfections is utterly gorgeous to men.
Nothing is sexier than a woman who embraces her body with joy and enthusiasm – cellulite, stretch marks, squishy parts and all. A body confident woman celebrates her unique beauty. She soaks up summer sunshine in a swimsuit without worrying what others think. She tries on a killer outfit just because it makes HER feel amazing.
By fully embracing your body, that radiant confidence will beam out like a magnetic force, drawing guys powerfully to you. So strut your stuff proudly, cellulite and all!
9 She Shows Appreciation for His Efforts

While women certainly love receiving appreciation, men desperately crave it too. Guys put a lot of work into planning dates, remembering important events, helping out around the house, and overall making their girl happy. But too often, those efforts go unnoticed or unappreciated.
When a woman verbalizes gratitude for even the smallest things her man does, it touches him deeply. Simply saying “thank you for taking out the trash” or shooting him a text saying “the breakfast quiche was amazing babe!” makes him glow inside. Men want to feel valued and appreciated too. So make sure to notice all those wonderful little things he does and say thanks!
10 She Openly Expresses Affection

Sure, some guys may squirm a bit when hugged or kissed in public. But the majority of men crave open affection from their romantic partner. They want to proudly hold hands strolling downtown, greet each other with a hug and quick smooch, and gaze adoringly into each other’s eyes over dinner.
Yet society has conditioned many men to contain emotional displays, worried it makes them appear “unmanly.” So when a woman confidently showers him with affection, it proves this suppressive narrative false. The freedom to embrace affection openly with his girl is incredibly liberating for a man.
So don’t hold back on the hugs, hand-holding, smooches, snuggles, and loving looks! Satisfy your man’s craving by showering him with all the affection his heart desires.
11 She Gives Him His Full Attention
In today’s distracted digital age, one of the most precious gifts a woman can offer a man is her full, undivided attention. When a girl sets aside her phone, doesn’t glance around the room mid-conversation, and looks directly into his eyes as he speaks, it makes him melt inside.
The reality is, many men secretly crave deeper emotional connections in relationships. Yet vulnerabilities shared are often brushed aside instead of listened to fully.
So by giving your man your complete focus as he opens up – making eye contact, asking thoughtful questions, validation his feelings – it helps him feel truly heard and valued on a deeper level.
12 She Touches Him Affectionately

Men may not openly talk about it, but the majority of guys crave physical closeness with their romantic partner. They want to always be reaching for each other’s hand, touching each other’s arm mid-conversation, leaning heads on shoulders, or stroking hair gently.
Little acts of physical affection remind him that he’s cared for. And affection releases oxytocin – the “love hormone” bringing feelings of warmth and happiness.
So always be finding excuses for more snuggles, caresses, hand-holding. Let gentle affection flow freely between you. Satisfy his craving for continual closeness through loving touch.
13 Her Quirky Personality Quirks Appear
While eccentricities may seem “odd” by general society standards, a woman’s unique quirks actually make her more captivating to men. Those fun little personality quirks – obsessively collecting miniature spoons, pretending to interview her cat, loudly singing showtunes while cooking – reveal her spirited soul.
And a vibrant spirit is utterly magnetic to guys. Her silly quirks suggest she lives fully, unapologetically as her authentic self – not conforming to others’ expectations. And that freedom of self-expression and zest for joy is what men crave in a partner.
So don’t hide those delightful personality quirks that make you YOU! Let your inner oddball shine through. Keep collecting those spoons, singing those Broadway melodies passionately. Your man will fall deeper in love with your quirky soul.
14 She Plays With Her Hair

An unconscious habit many women have is twirling a lock of hair while lost in thought, listening intently, or staring off into space. And something about this utterly enchants guys. They find the mindless hair-touching gesture cute yet sexy.
Perhaps hair-playing reminds men of old Hollywood sirens casually wrapping strands of pearls around their fingers. Or cats coyly pawing strands of yarn. Whatever it is, men are transfixed seeing a woman absent-mindedly twirl her hair.
So don’t be self-conscious next time you catch yourself twirling your locks. It’s an alluring feminine gesture. Let those hands woven into your tresses work their magic!
15 She Shows Her Silly Side
While some men are attracted to sophisticated “cool girls”, the majority truly melt for girls embracing their silly side. Being goofy and ridiculous together builds connection. It proves she’s fully comfortable being her authentic, quirky self around him.
So unleash that wackiness! Make silly faces, dance like nobody’s watching, tell awful dad jokes just because they’re so bad they’re good. Fearlessly being your silly self creates some of the best memories as a couple. It keeps the spark alive.
16 She Openly Communicates Her Feelings
The outdated notion lingers that men don’t care to hear women express emotions. But I’ve found through my decades of coaching that nothing could be further from the truth. Men desperately crave deeper emotional connection in romance.
Yet discussing feelings openly doesn’t come naturally to most guys. So having a partner share vulnerable emotions – her anxieties, sadness, joys – helps teach men to access their own suppressed feelings.
And knowing his romantic partner feels safe opening up emotionally to him is incredibly fulfilling. So speak up! Be open about your full spectrum of emotions. He’ll likely follow in sharing himself more vulnerably too.
17 She Asks For Help In A Cute Way
As explored earlier, men have a deep inner drive to provide for and protect women. So when a girl asks her guy for help around something – say carrying heavy groceries inside or fixing a wonky cabinet – it makes him swoon inside. Even if he acts macho scoffing “of course I’ll help!”, assisting you makes him feel strong, capable, needed.
Amp up the swoon factor even more by requesting help in an adorable way. Bat those eyelashes pleadingly, poke out your lower lip in an exaggerated pout, clasp hands together begging. He won’t stand a chance resisting your charm! Watch him melt as he rushes to your cute rescue.
18 She Gushes Over Cute Animals
Even the most stone-faced stoic guy turns to mush seeing his girl melt into baby talk and cuddles around cute creatures. Her high-pitched squealing “ohmygosh, hi baby! So cute!” as she snuggles an adorable puppy makes him grin from ear to ear.
Seeing that unfiltered joy and affection pour out from his girl over furry friends tugs at his heartstrings. It’s a glimpse of her in mommy mode someday with their own babies. Cute animals bring out a woman’s playful inner child – and that total lack of self-consciousness is glorious to witness.
So next time you spot a cuddly cutie, feel free to full-on fan girl gush! Croon in the silliest voice, snorgle that soft fur. Your sheer delight will make his heart pitter-patter.
19 She Compliments Him
Just as women love receiving compliments, men desperately crave them too – yet rarely get enough. Showering her man sincerely with praise – telling him “great job!” after a work presentation, gushing “Wow, sexy!” seeing him fresh out the shower, or saying his pasta dish was delicious – makes him beam with pride.
Men put tireless efforts into winning women’s admiration – driving nice cars, wearing snazzy clothes, showing off toned muscles. They preen for our praise. So satisfy his craving by vocalizing all the big and little things you admire about him! Watch how compliments make your man glow.
20 Her Inner Tomboy Comes Out
While ultra girly-girls certainly have their appeal, most men go crazy for a girl who’s not afraid to get down and dirty! When his woman eagerly joins in throwing a football at the park, enthusiastically volunteers for adventure hikes, or helps fix his broken motorcycle – he find it incredibly sexy!
Sure, she looks fabulous all dolled up for date night. But a woman willing to get her hands greasy changing oil or battle mud on mountain bike trails proves she’s the perfect adventure partner. She keeps life exciting!
So tap into your inner tomboy whenever you get the chance! Join in those rugged activities usually deemed “just for guys”. Prove you play as hard as you pamper. He’ll eagerly romp along with his cool girl!
21 She Stays Loyal to Friends
One of the values men most admire in a romantic partner is loyalty – sticking steadfast by those you care for through thick and thin. So knowing his girl cherishes lifelong friends shows she’d stand by him unconditionally too someday as life adventures unfold.
The way she ditches girly spa day because her bestie got devastating news and just needs support, or she defends an awkward pal being shamed by others, proves she’s in it for the long haul with loved ones. And that degree of unwavering loyalty makes him view her as a keeper.
So be vocal about how much those friends mean to you! Share touching stories demonstrating your steadfast support. Your devotion will assure him you’d stand loyally by his side too.
22 Her Strong Personality Shines
Sure, guys adore bubbly, sweet personalities brimming with sunshine. But men also crave women with some “edge” to them – strong women who speak their mind fiercely yet thoughtfully. Outspoken trailblazers who tackle adversity courageously.
Her warrior spirit comes out discussing injustices impacting marginalized groups. Or she boldly calls out a rude waiter’s unacceptable behavior.
Seeing their girl take charge, stand up to wrongs convincingly without getting outwardly “emotional” or aggressive is incredibly hot to men. It proves she can hold her own if challenged yet handle tensions calmly. That sexy blend of gentle grace with formidable strength is utterly captivating.
23 She Falls Into Giggles Easily
Few things warm a man’s heart more than the sweet sound of his girl’s unrestrained laughter. When humor tickles her and she readily dissolves into wholehearted giggles, guys melt watching her carefree joy bubble over.
The reality is men take life awfully seriously most the time. So to let loose and be silly with his fun-loving girl, embracing humor’s bliss together, delivers a dose of much-needed lightness. It’s a welcome relief from the stresses of career, finances and adult responsibilities weighing him down.
So laugh loudly and often with your man! Let that laughter be contagious. A shared spirit of playfulness and amusement will keep your romantic connection thriving.
24 She Still Gets Butterflies Around Him
Sure, fiery passion naturally cools a bit moving into committed relationship territory. But men love knowing they still give you tummy tickles!
When physical intimacy ignitesvisible shivers down your spine, when his surprise romantic gestures make you swoon and grin ear-to-ear, when he walks in beaming that megawatt smile and your heart does a flip – he notices your visible joy. And making his girl weak in the knees feeds his masculinity incredibly.
So allow yourself to get swept up in the delicious thrills of romance – that racing pulse, flushed cheeks, mesmerized stares – even years into coupledom. Your ongoing awe over his thoughtfulness will keep your man floating on cloud nine!
25 She Falls Asleep In His Arms
While fiery hot sex certainly has its place, one of the deepest pleasures men crave is quiet intimacy. The vulnerability of his bare-faced girl drifting to sleep nestled safely in his arms conveys implicit trust – that she knows he’ll guard her as she dreams.
And getting to smooch her forehead goodnight, stroke her hair soothingly, feel her
heart beating against his chest as she cuddles in closer, offers indescribable comfort. No passion-fueled frenzy can replace that powerful act of intimacy and devotion between lovers.
So doze off blissfully to the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest, reassured in his secure embrace. Show him that profound trust that he’ll keep you safe. He’ll cherish those cozy moments eternally.
The Reality of Lasting Romance
In dissecting the multitude of things girls do that guys love and crave, it may all start sounding like quite the performance expected of women! Yet the reality is, those captivating feminine qualities reveal themselves most authentically when you relax into simply being yourself.
Stop trying so hard to impress him and instead have fun getting to know each other organically. Allow your natural quirks, passions and playfulness shine through. Follow your instincts in showing care through affectionate gestures.
The right man will fall head over heels for the one-of-a-kind woman you are, cute habits and all! Love blossoms effortlessly with someone fully embracing your uniqueness.
So flaunt your secret powers – your radiant smile, your nurturing spirit, your offbeat humor! Embrace all that makes you irresistibly YOU.