15 Definitive Signs You’re With a Good Man Worth Holding Onto

As a relationship coach, I’ve had countless clients ask me, “How do I know if he’s a good man worth committing to?” This is one of the most common concerns I hear from single women who are ready for a serious relationship but worried about choosing the wrong partner.

After working with thousands of women on their love lives, I’ve come to learn there are clear signs that can reveal whether a man will be a caring, devoted partner or someone who brings stress and uncertainty. I always advise my clients to take it slowly and watch for red flags in the early dating phase. Rushing into relationships and ignoring warning signs can lead to heartbreak.

The good news is, there are many ways to discern if a man has long-term potential. From how he handles conflict to his personal values, his true character is often revealed through his everyday actions and behaviors.

Here are the top 15 signs that indicate you have found an amazing man worth holding onto:

1. He is Kind to Others

How a man treats strangers, servers at restaurants, coworkers, and others he interacts with is very telling. When you observe genuine kindness, patience and courtesy from a man, it’s a strong sign he has integrity and good character.

Pay attention to how he speaks to people, especially those “below” him in status. The way he treats the waitress or cashier when you’re on a date provides great insight. A good man doesn’t act superior or entitled. He’s respectful because it comes naturally, not because he wants something in return.

2. He Listens Intently to You

A good listener shows care and consideration. He’s not just hearing your words, he’s seeking to understand your perspective, emotions and needs. He’ll make eye contact, ask thoughtful follow-up questions, and remember important details you tell him.

You’ll feel comfortable opening up because he doesn’t judge you for your thoughts. He wants to know the real you, beneath the surface. This emotional intimacy is key for lasting love.

3. He Takes Responsibility for His Actions

Mistakes and conflicts are inevitable in relationships. What matters most is how someone responds when they’re in the wrong.

A mature man owns up to his errors without blaming others. He apologizes sincerely after yelling or saying hurtful things. He aims to repair rifts and learns from experiences to avoid repeating poor behavior. Taking responsibility shows strength of character and conscientiousness.

4. He Shares Your Values and Goals

Fundamental compatibility is crucial for the long haul. You want a man whose core values, desire for children, financial habits, and vision for the future largely align with yours.

While opposites may attract initially, major differences on essential life matters like kids, religion or financial views can undermine the relationship down the road. Deep compatibility leads to mutual understanding and easier compromise.

5. He Makes You Feel Safe and Secure

Do you feel protected, grounded and secure with this man? Can you be emotionally vulnerable, quirks and all, without fear of judgment? His affection and devotion should make you feel treasured.

You want a man you fully trust – someone who won’t suddenly betray you, check out other women, or leave when times get tough. If he honors commitments and makes you feel loved and safe, he’s definitely a keeper.

6. He Appreciates You and Values Your Input

Words of affirmation are vital: You need a man who often expresses how much he values, admires and appreciates you. He compliments you not just on your looks but on your intelligence, abilities and unique quirks. He thanks you for acts of care and service.

A good partner also invites your perspective and feedback. He trusts your judgment and doesn’t dismiss your opinions and ideas as unimportant or invalid. He wants you to feel heard and included.

7. His Words and Actions Align

Observe whether this man walks his talk. Is he dependable? Does he actually follow through on agreed plans and promises?

Or does he frequently make excuses, disappoint you last minute, or fail to deliver on what he says he’ll do? His behavior should be consistent with his words. When there are discrepancies, watch how he reacts when held accountable.

8. He Respects Your Boundaries

We all have boundaries concerning our time, values, privacy and bodies that should be respected. Does he pressure you or coerce you to go past your boundaries?

A good partner will listen when you say “No” and want enthusiastic consent. He doesn’t feel entitled to your time or make unreasonable demands. Your comfort comes first. Healthy boundaries create safety and trust.

9. He Genuinely Cares About Your Needs

It’s impossible to feel loved until our needs are met. These include non-sexual needs like quality time, acts of service, heartfelt compliments and physical affection.

A loving partner makes meeting your fundamental needs a priority. He’ll make a point to do the little things that make you happy and show you matter. You won’t feel like you’re begging for scraps of his time or attention.

10. He’s a Steady Force During Hard Times

When life gets stressful or catastrophic like illness, family death or job loss – does he stand by your side? Or does he check out or grow distant when you most need support?

A good man remains present and caring even when you’re not at your best. He doesn’t add to worries or kick you while you’re down. His unwavering support makes challenging times easier.

11. He Admits Fault and Allows You Both to Heal

We’ve all made mistakes that impacted our partner – whether lashing out in anger or lying about something big. How a man responds after seriously messing up reveals a lot.

A good partner will acknowledge the gravity of his error, apologize sincerely, listen to your hurt feelings, and do his best to rebuild trust. He realizes that healing takes time and doesn’t pressure you to “just get over it.”

12. He Contains His Anger Appropriately

We all get angry at times. But how we handle anger makes the difference between healthy and unhealthy relating. Yelling, name-calling, storming off and the silent treatment are toxic and destructive responses.

A mature man has learned positive ways to manage his anger – like taking time to cool off and then having a respectful dialogue. He seeks understanding rather than trying to “win” arguments or assign blame. His calm makes you feel safe opening up.

13. He Accepts You As You Are

Does he criticize you and demand you change aspects of yourself – your appearance, laughing style, quirky habits? Or does he embrace the whole you – flaws, growing edges and all?

The right partner provides a safe harbor to be your authentic self. You can let your guard down, express your real thoughts and feelings, and not worry about judgement or rejection. His unconditional acceptance fortifies the bond.

14. He’s a Positive Force In Your Life

Do you feel uplifted and empowered when with this man – about yourself, life and the future? Or does being with him often leave you feeling worn down, insecure or unhappy?

The right partner motivates you to pursue your passions and dreams. He’s your cheerleader, not your critic. You laugh more, feel lighter and see possibilities. His steadfast belief in you helps you believe in yourself.

15. The Relationship Leaves You Better

After time together or having a conflict, do you feel closer and positively influenced by him? Or do you feel damaged, drained or discouraged?

One telltale sign you’ve found an amazing partner is that your whole life improves because of the relationship. He inspires you to grow and contribute. You’re more confident, caring, playful and resilient together than you are apart.

The relationship makes both of you better individuals. You flourish as a couple.

In Closing

Finding an exceptional man who’ll be a great life partner involves observing how he shows up in everyday circumstances. His words, actions, values and way of relating ultimately reveal whether he has depth of character and relationship skills.

Getting to the core of a man takes time. Avoid rushing things or making excuses for red flags. Once you’re sure he possesses the qualities above, you’ve likely found a loving man worth holding onto. Cherish and appreciate him.

I know finding true love can feel hopeless at times. But I’ve seen countless clients discover incredible partners once they gain clarity on what they really want and need in a man. Then they observe very carefully to see if a potential mate aligns with their vision.

If you stay true to yourself and what you want for your future, you will find a great man. And the amazing relationship you’ve dreamed of will unfold one day. Have faith, stay strong, and don’t settle. You deserve nothing less.

Sylvia Smith

Sylvia Smith is an Associate Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with an M.S in Child Development & Family Studies and specialization in Marriage and Family Therapy from Purdue University. She specializes in working with distressed/conflicted couples, parents, and co-parent, and families. Sylvia believes that every couple can transform their relationship into a happier, healthier one by taking purposeful and wholehearted action.

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