As a relationship coach with over 15 years of experience counseling couples, I’ve seen my fair share of what makes marriages work…and what makes them fail. There are key signs that can indicate if your marriage is healthy or heading down an unhealthy path. In this comprehensive guide, I’ll share 15 research-backed signs, based on expertise and case studies, that can help assess the health of your marriage.
You Are Each Other’s Best Friend

One of the most fundamental building blocks of a healthy marriage is a strong friendship. Researchers have found that viewing your spouse as your best friend is associated with higher relationship satisfaction.
As a counselor, I’ve noticed that in healthy marriages, partners confide in each other as best friends. They trust each other enough to share their dreams, fears and imperfections openly and non-judgmentally. This deep friendship provides a safe harbor amidst life’s storms.
So take time to nurture your friendship – laugh, play games, share your hearts. The couples I’ve seen go the distance are far more than spouses – they are first and foremost the very best of friends.
You Communicate Openly And Honestly

At the heart of friendship is communication. Researchers highlight communication as one of the most important predictors of marital health and longevity.
From my experience, couples who communicate openly and honestly have greater understanding of each other’s needs and are better equipped to handle conflicts in a constructive way. They confidently voice their viewpoints, while also listening intently to understand their partner’s perspective.
This refused to let small issues fester into major rifts through open communication. So make communication a regular relationship check-up to ensure your marriage stays healthy. Set a weekly chat session – no phones, no distractions. And even when life gets busy, keep those communication channels open.
You Have Each Other’s Backs

When fire strikes, you need someone beside you to help beat back the flames. The same applies in marriage. In healthy marriages, I see couples facing difficulties side-by-side instead of turning against each other. They step up with love and support when trials hit their spouse the hardest.
Research affirms that this type of emotional support from your partner builds resilience to challenges. So be each other’s rock – whether it’s a listening ear after a bad day or encouragement when tackling complex life transitions. Having your spouse’s steady backup makes any mountain easier to climb.
You Have Mutual Respect

While emotional support builds connections, respect cements it. Researchers reveal that respect for each other’s decisions and perspectives is pivotal for relationship quality.
I’ve noticed couples who admire each other’s strengths while graciously accepting their quirks tend to go the distance. They may not always agree but can have calm, constructive discussions – a mark of mutual respect. There’s a lot less screaming matches under the same roof.
So tune your radars into all the ways, big and small, your partner contributes value – and let them know! Respect blossoms when watered well with encouragement.
You Share Quality Time
Couples thriving in healthy marriages prioritize spending meaningful time together. Despite hectic schedules, they intentionally create opportunities for shared activities and rituals that nurture their bond.
Like friends, they enjoy one other’s company and seek out opportunities to connect through regular date nights, shared hobbies or even mundane daily interactions like mealtimes. Studies actually show shared mealtimes helps couples feel more cared for and understood.
So put each other first amidst the daily hustle by reserving sacred spaces to invest in each other. Plan weekend getaways sans devices, set technology-free times or even chat over simple dinners. This consistent quality time deepens the roots of your marriage.
You Have Thriving Intimacy

While emotional intimacy forms the roots, physical intimacy strengthens the marriage’s foundation. Research shows affection and sexuality significantly impact marital satisfaction. Couples in healthy marriages recognize this and ensure their intimacy stays an intentional priority.
Through my experience counseling, couples who put effort into keeping their sex lives fresh and exciting feel more deeply connected. So instead of letting the fires fizzle, they fan the flames well through romantic gestures, positive communications and creativity in the bedroom!
You Grow Together
Life is a journey full of twists and turns. In healthy marriages, couples traverse its ups and downs together. They support each other’s individual growth while also nurturing their shared development as a couple.
Studies reveal that facing adversity can actually strengthen marital bonds instead of dismantling it – when tackled together with open communication and teamwork. Shared challenges build resilience, empathy and trust. Couples I’ve coached through major life changes often emerge with their relationship bonds tightened rather than broken.
So embrace challenges as opportunities to grow deeper roots as a couple. Victories are sweeter when celebrated together; losses hurt less when grieved in unison. Let your marriage journey be one of mutual growth.
You Maintain Outside Interests

It’s easy to become absorbed into couple bubble and neglect outside friendships or interests. But researchers highlight maintaining diverse social connections and activities outside your marriage as key for couples’ wellbeing. Having space to pursue individual friend groups and hobbies keeps relationships vibrant.
In my experience counseling couples, maintaining healthy boundaries through outside interests not only gives each person breathing room to destress and align to their needs but also provides fresh perspectives to enrich the marriage. Couples who explore life separately come back with more to offer each other.
So while coupledom has its perks, take time to nurture your own growth too. Give your spouse space to pursue solo social connections and hobbies. Stay rooted together while still branching out independently.
You Handle Conflict Well

Even the healthiest marriages experience conflicts. What sets them apart, according to experts, is how couples manage disagreements when they inevitably arise. Rather than react explosively or default to painful silent treatments, they tackle issues through calm, caring communication seeking win-win resolution.
Successful conflict resolution hinges on each spouse feeling respected enough to express their perspective openly, coupled with earnest effort from both to truly understand their partner’s viewpoint. Shared understanding minimizes assumptions, defensiveness and criticism – utilizing conflict as an opportunity to support each other better.
So when hot-button issues arise, take a breath and really hear each other out. Seek to understand first before asking to be understood, maintaining kindness along communication – no contemptuous words thrown like weapons. Conflict handled constructively brings deeper understanding.
You Share Core Values
Researchers affirm shared core values as pivotal for marital health, forming the pillars defining the purpose of your union. These center around mutual short and long term relationship visions – from cultivating emotional intimacy or successfully raising kids to enjoying shared sunset years as evolving individuals together.
Without common values anchoring marriages, couples often drift apart towards diverging horizons. Misaligned relationship purpose brews dissatisfaction, resentment and friction from unmet needs. Core values interlock couples on the same life track towards mutual relationship goals.
As your counselor and coach, I guide couples through exercises unearthing both spoken and unspoken values they hold for themselves individually and collectively. The alignment level offers great insight on areas to grow together. What anchors your marriage besides rings on your fingers?
You Trust Each Other

Solid marriages share an unshakeable foundation of trust, researchers underscore. Spouses in healthy relationships know with utmost confidence their partner remains loyal and firmly in their corner rain or shine. They trust in each other’s support implicitly and fully rely on their steadfast presence.
This benchmark of healthy marriages cannot be overstated. I’ve seen trust issues like breaches of fidelity corrode marriages to the quick like acid erosion on metal. Once fundamental trust corrodes, the decay trickles into other areas – questions arise over whether their partner will emotionally support them during difficulties or have their back through thick or thin.
So nurture rock-solid trust as an unconditional covenant – guarding it with integrity, care and commitment. Let your actions – consistency and reliability in big and small matters – reinforce your vows. Where trust lies secure, healthy marriages thrive.
You Share Responsibilities

Marriage is ultimately designed to be a partnership enterprise, with spouses uniting together towards shared visions, values and victory over life’s obstacles big and small. Each contributes their strengths to overcome the other’s weaknesses as a team.
Researchers reveal fair distribution of duties and responsibilities as vital glue cementing strong marital bonds. When spouses evenly split obligations for household, children and financials they function better together – with neither carrying the uneven burdens. Sharing life’s weight strengthens trust in having a responsible partner.
Openly negotiate responsibilities suited to each person’s abilities and availability. Adapt as a team amidst shifting seasons – childcare duties may dominate early years while financial planning takes priority later. Mark out milestones together while standing side-by-side along the way.
You Keep Romance Kindled

Couples thriving in healthy marriages understand keeping romance kindled remains as pivotal as handling logistics. They know that when emotional connection frays, practical partnerships eventually also unravel. So they ensure the spark stays lit through regular acts of thoughtful affection.
From my experience coaching couples, regular intimacy serves as the heartbeat pumping vitality through healthy marriages. So they flirt and date their spouse instead of taking them for granted. Playful candles-lit dinners, sweet notes hidden in briefcases and flowers for “just because” preserve intimacy’s pulse.
Don’t let the chaos of mortgages, jobs and kids drown Cupid’s tender flame between you. Fan affection’s embers with intentional acts of consideration, encouragement and praise. Feed love by showing it.
You Admire Each Other

Research reveals mutual care, respect and admiration between spouses as critical components for long-lasting marital health and happiness. Their positive perceptions towards each other become a self-fulfilling prophecy generating greater motivation to invest through understanding and kindness.
From experience counseling couples, small acts of encouragement and praise express admiration that nourishes intimacy. Words recognizing effort and progress, however imperfect, speaks love louder than flowery Hallmark prose. Choose to see strengths over flaws; successes rather than just shortcomings. Uplift each other through struggles – together you’ll both rise higher.
So voice genuine appreciation daily. Notice details showing thoughtfulness and progress. Cheer each other on as ultimate romance teammates. Cultivate a culture of honor and you’ll reap healthy admiration’s sweet fruits.
You Are Each Other’s Biggest Fans
Linked with admiration, researchers highlight the role of active support and validation from your spouse towards achieving your hopes and dreams. Their tangible role as your “number one fan” gives steadfast encouragement you can spread your wings towards your highest potential.
I see spouses in robust marriages step up in this “hype squad” capacity big and small ways consistently – making their spouse’s goals and needs as important as their own. They walk through their partner’s valleys holding flashlights to illuminate the path until they reach mountaintops of victory together. Real love moves feet towards selfless support.
So spur each other on daily towards progress and purpose. Help them be best version of themselves they can be, offering strength when weary and direction when lost. A healthy marriage fosters fruitful growth as each other’s biggest cheerleaders.
The Bottom Line
Cultivating a healthy thriving marriage takes time, effort and commitment as you walk out life’s unexpected storylines hand in hand. But identifying key building blocks provide a solid blueprint. Use these researched backed tips to check in on your marriage’s health and catch early warning signs.
Stay rooted in friendship, intertwined in intimacy and firmly planted together in purposeful partnership – embracing both calm and storms side-by-side with trust, care and encouragement. When anchored in mutual love and respect, marriage’s sheltering boughs bear the sweetest fruits that just keep getting sweeter.