As a relationship coach with over 15 years of experience counseling couples, I’ve heard the question “How do I know if he likes me?” more times than I can count. That period between meeting a new guy and figuring out if the interest is mutual is filled with uncertainty. You analyze his every word and action, searching for clues.
Luckily, men tend to demonstrate attraction in predictable ways, once you know what to look for. In this comprehensive guide, I’ll share 25 undeniable signs that indicate a guy’s interest, drawing from behavioral psychology and my extensive experience helping clients navigate dating and relationships.
1. He Makes Strong Eye Contact

Don’t underestimate the power of eye contact. When a man is interested in a woman, he’ll seek out eye contact and hold her gaze for longer periods. Prolonged eye contact triggers chemical reactions in the brain, releasing bonding chemicals like oxytocin. It also allows individuals to communicate interest, connection, and attraction without words.
If you notice him staring intently into your eyes when you speak or stealing lingering glances your way across the room, this is a clear indication that you have captured his interest. He wants to forge an intimate connection through eye contact.
2. He Finds Excuses to Touch You

Ever notice him gently brushing your elbow as you talk or letting his hand “accidentally” graze yours? Physical touch is a prime way for a man to express subtle attraction. Touch releases hormones that facilitate bonding and empathy. Even innocent touches can enhance feelings of closeness between two people.
Pay attention to any light, casual touching that seems intentional. Things like guiding you through a crowd by gently touching your back or playfully bumping your shoulder when you make him laugh. If he’s looking for any excuse to initiate physical contact with you, he likely hopes to deepen the connection between you.
3. He Leans In When You Speak

You know how people naturally lean in towards something that intrigues them? This instinctual body language applies to attraction as well. If you notice him leaning in closer when you’re speaking – even if he can hear you perfectly well – this suggests elevated interest and focus.
Leaning in helps him feel nearer to you and subconsciously communicates the desire to get closer. It also shows he’s captivated by you and whatever you’re saying. So if you spot him consistently leaning in during your conversations, it’s a definite sign of romantic interest.
4. He Gets Nervous Around You

You may notice a normally confident, charismatic guy getting unexpectedly tongue-tied, fidgety, or awkward around you. Some nervousness is common when someone is attracted to you. Why? Higher levels of hormones and chemicals like adrenaline and cortisol.
His body senses the potential for love and goes into overdrive, causing anxious symptoms. Try to spot subtle nervous tics like stumbling over words, shaky hands, blushing, or acting more animated than usual. They all suggest he feels charged up by your presence because you spark his interest.
5. He Finds Ways to Spend Time Together

A man who seizes any opportunity to be around you is sending clear signals of his attraction. He’ll find reasons to see you more through thoughtful invitations and strategically “bumping into you” in places you frequent.
Maybe he asks you to accompany him to events, store trips, or group hangouts. Or he casually mentions getting lunch sometime since your offices are close. If he invents likely-sounding excuses to be in your orbit, it means he feels happiest by your side.
6. He Opens Up To You

Sharing secrets or meaningful parts of oneself requires trust and intimacy, two ingredients of a potential relationship. Pay attention if a guy gradually shares deeper, more personal details about himself with you – his hopes, dreams, fears, family dynamics, friendships.
Opening up shows he feels comfortable being vulnerable around you and sees you as someone who won’t judge. And he wouldn’t take that risk with just anyone – only those he truly likes.
7. You Catch Him Checking You Out
This one may seem obvious, but it’s worth mentioning: you catch him outright gazing at you when he thinks you aren’t looking. His eyes may dart quickly away as soon as you notice. But you’ll pick up on the admiring once-overs before he respectfully shifts his gaze elsewhere.
Appreciating someone’s physical assets is flattering. Just try to observe whether it’s appropriate or makes you uncomfortable. Within reasonable boundaries, these stolen glances often mean he finds you highly attractive.
8. He Listens With Interest When You Talk

Many signs of attraction stem from body language and nonverbal cues. But listening actively shows someone’s care and investment through verbal communication. A man interested in you will listen intently when you speak, fully absorbing your words instead of nodding absentmindedly.
Notice if he picks up on small details you mention in conversation and follows up later to show he was paying close attention. He likely recalls facts about your life and asks you questions that build on previous chats, displaying his genuine interest.
9. He Compliments Your Appearance

Complimenting your appearance – tastefully and respectfully – indicates attraction. He’ll find thoughtful ways to praise your looks, style, or presentation because he can’t help but admire you.
Maybe he compliments your smile, eyes, or fashion sense. Or he drops subtle comments appreciating the effort you put into your look. These compliments reveal that he not only notices but values the image you present.
10. He Uses Any Excuse to Text or Call
Frequent, flimsy excuses to contact you could signify an underlying motive: affection. When a man is interested in a woman, her name popping up on his phone gives him a rush of dopamine. He’ll jump at any opportunity to text, call, or message you.
So he may text about random observations (“This song reminded me of you!”), funny memes, or links relating to conversations you’ve had. If he’s blowing up your phone with flimsy premises just to connect, he’s likely smitten.
11. He Makes an Effort With His Appearance Around You
People subconsciously try to look their best around those they wish to impress. So notice if he seems to amp up his style or grooming habits in your presence. Maybe he sports a sharp new haircut or whips out the cologne on days he might run into you.
Making an effort with his physical presentation indicates he wants to look handsome and put-together around the woman he desires. It also reveals that your opinion matters to him.
12. He Gets Flustered When You Compliment Him
Just as he offers you praise and compliments when interested, he’ll be sensitive to receiving them from you in return. Does he get adorably flustered or flattered when you compliment his intelligence or appearance?
Showing vulnerability by reacting strongly to your words of praise subtly communicates that he values your viewpoint. After all, we care most about the opinions of those we like.
13. He Uses Playful Banter and Teasing
Playful teasing or banter can emerge when romantic chemistry exists between two people. Witty back-and-forth comes easily when you’re compatible and energized by each other’s company.
So if you two often joke, poke fun at each other, or engage in clever repartee, it signals comfort plus a flirtatious connection. He probably looks for any excuse to initiate these playful interactions because they make him feel closer to you.
14. He Pulls Out All the Stops for Special Treatment
Opening doors for you, bringing you gifts, fetching you drinks…these chivalrous acts can show he thinks you’re special and deserves to be treated like a queen.
While women don’t require this level of treatment, acts of service and chivalry often indicate a man’s admiration and wish to prove himself to his romantic interest. So allow yourself to feel flattered by his special treatment.
15. He Makes You a Priority
Even the busiest man will rearrange his schedule and move mountains if it means spending time with his crush. So if mister busybody suddenly seems extremely available when you invite him to hang out, it’s a hint that you’re a high priority.
Whether he offers to pick you up, meets you somewhere convenient, or shifts things around to accommodate you, these acts of prioritization reveal his eagerness to be by your side.
16. He Remembers the Details
Recalling tiny details about you demonstrates genuine interest in your world. An infatuated man will catalog your likes, dislikes, quirks, background, and stories in his mind.
So if he follows up on the small but meaningful things you share – like resolutions you made, anecdotes from childhood, or subtleties in your personality – he’s showing that time spent learning about you is time well spent.
17. He Makes His Friends Like You
A man who likes you will want his friends’ seal of approval. Why? Because people heavily value their friends’ opinions when making relationship decisions.
He may strategically arrange group hangouts so you and his friends can bond. Or he’ll highlight your most impressive traits when introducing you so they’ll see you through rose-colored glasses, as he does.
Gaining his friends’ vote of confidence helps ensure they’ll support the potential relationship.
18. He Uses Any Excuse to Be Near You
Have you ever noticed this guy suddenly popping up in the same places you happen to be – your favorite coffee shop, the gym, that obscure hole-in-the-wall restaurant? More than mere coincidence, he’s likely orchestrating ways to casually “run into you” so he can seize quick moments by your side.
In the early stages of attraction, these sneak peeks allow him to nurture his interest until he feels ready to make a bold move. They also fulfill his temporary craving for your presence.
19. He Starts Using Your Expressions
Here’s an endearing sign of attraction: he picks up your quirky phrases or expressions and starts working them into his own vocabulary. It shows he feels so comfortable around you that your mannerisms subconsciously become his own.
You might also notice him mimicking your body language or laughter. This subconscious mirroring suggests strong rapport, as he synchronizes with you and learns your rhythms. Shared language is one way his mind and body betray his true affection.
20. He Gets Jealous When Other Men Are Around
Even the most rational man can experience slight envy when his romantic interest interacts with potential “competition.” If a guy likes you, his natural response when other men are present will be protectiveness and wariness.
He may try steering you away from male friends or acquaintances. Or you might notice subtle irritation if you laugh especially hard at another man’s jokes. It’s simply his primal instinct kicking in to ensure rivals don’t threaten his connection with you.
21. He Opens Up and is Vulnerable With You
Few interactions forge intimacy and trust like vulnerability. When a man feels comfortable confiding his insecurities, challenges, and deep emotions with you, it signals true closeness and affection.
Opening up requires the utmost faith that you’ll handle his vulnerabilities with care. If he takes this leap, it shows he believes you’re special and unlike anyone else in his world.
22. He Makes Efforts to Look Good For You
As I mentioned earlier, a man will pay extra attention to his physical presentation around a woman he likes. Beyond just grooming and hygiene, he may also upgrade his style entirely to impress you.
Maybe he hits the gym more, spruces up his wardrobe, or adds subtle touches – like wearing a cologne you mentioned liking – to look pleasing in your eyes. These efforts reveal he hopes his appearance helps win your affections.
23. He Finds Ways to Be Helpful
One of the best gifts we can give others is our time and energy. A man attracted to you will find small yet meaningful ways to assist you and make your days brighter.
Maybe he helps assemble furniture, lends a hand on household projects, or knows you’ve had a rough day and brings over a homemade meal. His desire is to be useful and contribute to your happiness in any way possible.
24. He Misses You When Apart
When you can’t stop thinking about someone, you ache for their presence. A man falling for you will similarly yearn for you when you’re apart.
He may send extra texts or calls just to say hi. Or when you meet up again, he might comment that he missed you or can’t stop picturing your pretty smile. Voicing his longing and distracting thoughts about you is a sweet confession of his deeply embedded feelings.
25. Directly Says He Likes You
The most surefire sign a man is interested? He tells you explicitly! Many men won’t immediately profess their feelings unprompted. But once mutual affection becomes clear, he might admit to crushing on you for some time.
Brave confessions of liking you may come softly or boldly, but they pack a punch because he’s putting his cards on the table. When a man directly states his feelings for you, it seals the deal.
So in summary, I encourage paying attention to verbal and nonverbal cues, then looking for clusters of signs rather than isolated signals. Consistency and escalation in affection over time offer the best clues that attraction exists. Trust actions over empty words, and you’ll decode a man’s romantic intentions in no time.
Most importantly, proceed at the pace that feels right for you. Never feel rushed or pressured. My hope is that these science-backed insights provide clarity so you can navigate dating and relationships with greater wisdom, saving weeks or months of guesswork about whether a guy likes you.
Here’s to empowering women everywhere with the knowledge to recognize genuine affection and build healthy bonds. Wishing you all happiness and connection!