As a relationship coach with over 15 years of experience counseling couples, I have worked with countless people who are separated from their soulmate and longing to be reunited. Whether due to breakups, long distance, or other circumstances, the ache of missing your soulmate can be profound.
In my practice, clients often ask me if there are signs that can indicate their soulmate is also missing them in return. The answer is yes – our soulmates are deeply connected to us, so even when apart, there are subtle cues that can suggest they are thinking of us and feeling our absence.
In this comprehensive guide, I will share 18 of the most common signs, drawing on expertise from my career as well as the insightful articles you provided. These signs range from emotional sensations to uncanny coincidences, but all can give comfort that the connection remains strong between kindred spirits.
1. Constantly Thinking of Your Soulmate

One of the most direct signs your soulmate is missing you is when you find them occupying your thoughts constantly. You may catch yourself daydreaming about them or having them inexplicably pop into your mind throughout the day.
I often advise clients that our thoughts hold tremendous power – when someone is on our mind constantly, we are emitting an energy that triggers our soulmate bond. This causes them to think of us in return due to the profound connection we share.
2. Appearing in Dreams

Dreams provide intriguing insight into the subconscious mind and hidden emotions. When your dreams feature your beloved frequently, it suggests suppressed feelings of longing that surface when your guard is down.
Dream analysis reveals that this is the soul’s way of processing unresolved grief over the absence of your cherished partner. By bringing them into your dreams, your psyche is releasing pent-up sentiments so you can move forward in their absence.
3. Random Urge to Smile

Have you ever caught yourself grinning for no apparent reason? Sudden smiles can arise when we feel that spark of joy associated with soulmate love. It’s the universe’s way of sending you a wave of happiness as assurance that they are thinking warmly of you as well.
4. Yearning for Their Presence
A sudden pang of yearning to see your partner, hear their voice, or feel their touch is one of the most direct confirmations that the missing runs both ways. Irresistible urges to be close signify that your partner likely desires the same closeness in their loneliness.
5. Phantom Sensations

Strange as it sounds, some soulmates report feeling phantom touches – a hand brushing their cheek or the impression of an embrace. This suggests an empathic connection so profound that the spirit attempts to simulate the sensation of their presence. Take comfort when this occurs, as it strongly indicates mutual missing.
6. Emotional Rollercoasters
The ache of missing a beloved can make our emotions feel like a rollercoaster, veering from sadness to hope. Psychics reveal that sudden unexplained mood swings may indicate a “soul loss” – our spirit briefly leaves this plane to connect with our other half. Their absence profoundly impacts us.
7. Eye Twitches

In moments of missing, your soulmate’s spirit may attempt contact, triggering involuntary muscle reactions like eye twitches. Many traditions hold that spontaneous spasms, when no medical cause exists, signify someone is seeking your attention from afar.
8. Catching Their Scent
Scent is powerfully tied to memory and emotion. When you distinctly notice your partner’s familiar fragrance enveloping you (with no natural explanation), it telepathically conveys their affection. The comfort of their scent assures they dwell in your heart still.
9. Encountering Meaningful Symbols

The universe speaks in symbols guiding us to truth – and glimpsing meaningful emblems and omens related to your beloved reveals their spirit reaching out across the void.
Noticing their name, birthday, song, or seeing love birds, coins, rainbows conveys the message: “You are in my thoughts always.”
10. Premonition of Their Call
In close bonds, your intuition may foretell your partner’s call – you were about to phone when their name lights up the screen. Such synchronicity reveals your energies perfectly aligned – and it’s no accident. Take it as confirmation that, even apart, you both feel the pull to connect.
11. Inspiring Creativity

The vibrant energy of soulmate love can awaken our creative drive. If you are suddenly feeling prolific with projects, artwork, or writing, it signifies uplifting energy sent by the one who stirs your spirit. Their inspiration flows even in absence.
12. Noticing Meaningful Reminders
When symbols distinctly tied to your beloved permeate your awareness – their favorite flowers, candies, childhood memorabilia – the universe whispers that you are in their thoughts. By sending reminders, their soul reaches through the ethers so you feel enveloped in their presence.
13. Glimpsing Love Everywhere

The aura of being in love makes the world seem to glow with affection and beauty. When you distinctly notice love surrounding you – doves entwined, elderly couples hand-in-hand – take it as a sign: I am attuned to love because my partner is attuned to me.
14 Sudden Emotional Waves
The soulmate bond transcends flesh and space – you sense your partner’s essence within. Thus, unexplained surges of emotion may indicate your other half projecting sentiments across the void to affirm the connection. Follow these promptings of the heart.
15. Itchy Foot Soul Connection
In Korean folk wisdom, an itchy foot sole represents someone restless in thinking of you from afar. Next bout notice, reflect – does my soulmate also feel the frustrating ache of distance? Take comfort, the irritation will pass when reunited.
16. Glimpsing Their Birthdate

Birth dates hold personal meaning – when your love’s month, day or year suddenly permeates your awareness, celebrate these sightings! Numerology reveals that angelic nudges surround us with numbers conveying messages – you are thought of fondly.
17. Random Hairpins Appearing
Finding a hairpin unexpectedly is considered a traditional sign someone holds you in warm regard in Asian culture. Be it on the dresser, in a pocket, or the floorboard – interpret the sudden appearances as sweet assurances from the universe that your absence tugs at their heart.
18. Ears Burning Spontaneously
A classic folk belief across traditions maintains that burning ears means distant chatter – a loved one is conversing about you fondly! Next sudden ear flush, stay alert – does intuition confirm your soulmate’s lingering affection? If so, let the warmth convey their devotion remains steadfast.
What You May Be Feeling When Your Soulmate is Missing You
The connection with our soulmates goes beyond the tangible – we sense one another intuitively across any distance. When beloved companions are missing us, we may pick up on their longing through distinct sensations:
Profound Yearning
An ache of intense yearning may envelop you unexpectedly – a wave of longing rising from the depths of your spirit. Unlike ordinary desire, this persists and feels inexplicable. It telepathically conveys your soulmate’s pining for reunion.
You find focusing difficult as your every thought circles back to reminiscing over your partner. An all-consuming preoccupation prevails, contrary to your natural temperament. Recognize this as their pull permeating your essence.
Sudden Sadness
Moments of melancholy orweepiness may arise without external triggers. Let the mysterious cues of sadness highlight that somewhere your soulmate shares this longing. What you feel intimately connects you for a moment.
Emotional Extremes
Like radio dials cranked violently back and forth, your emotions may swing wildly, unable to find balance or calm. Disproportionate responses reveal a loss of center resulting from soulmate separation. Together, you will right this course.
Strange Sensations
From odd tingling to feeling suddenly hot or cold – strange body sensations can indicate spiritual signals from an aching counterpart. Physical awareness fades as your focus blurs to commune with your beloved unconsciously.
Déjà vu
Moments may arise where the present feels suddenly familiar – reliving old memories so vividly you feel transported through time. Take these déjà vu spells as assurance your memories remain as treasured in their heart as times shared.
Restless Energy
Despite exhaustion, you feel agitated and restless – pacing, fidgeting, unable to relax. Let kinetic energy fuel creativity – write letters, create art, turn inward until this surge subsides. Soon patience will flow as reunion approaches.
Vivid Dreams
Falling asleep releases the guard of conscious thought – allowing soulmate dreams to reveal subconscious yearnings denied in waking life. Dreams convey messages that whisper: “You are missed, beloved one.” Let them soothe sadness upon waking.
Through recognizing these signs, sensations, and synchronicities, we can find reassurance that our soulmates hold us close at heart even when apart physically. Their devotion bridges any distance through love’s mysterious empathy.
Have you noticed any of these telling signs in your own life? I would be glad to offer guidance on interpreting their meaning and navigating this challenging yet beautiful terrain of the soulmate bond. With compassion and wisdom, we can support one another through seasons of separation until joyful reunion unfolds.