In my 15+ years as a relationship counselor, I’ve heard many complaints from men about certain traits or behaviors they find unappealing in their romantic partners. As one half of a couple, it’s worthwhile to understand which qualities may subtly undermine attraction and connection.
I often advise my clients to approach relationships with empathy, seeking to understand each other’s perspectives with patience and compassion. Judgment seldom improves matters of the heart. Still, gaining wisdom into a partner’s turn-offs allows opportunity for self-improvement, clearer communication, and stronger intimacy.
Below I’ve compiled common grievances I’ve heard from men about women, along with my insights as a partnered person. My hope is that this post spreads awareness and encourages all genders to bring their best selves to their relationships.
1. Poor Hygiene and Self-Care

Good hygiene broadcasts self-respect and consideration for those around you. When I counsel couples, lapses like bad breath, body odor, grimy fingernails, or greasy hair often reflect deeper issues like depression that merit care and support.
Still, day-to-day body maintenance falls squarely on the shoulders of each individual. Any gender can undermine their attractiveness by disregarding personal cleanliness. Making consistent efforts here conveys maturity and reliability as a partner.
2. Excessive Drinking
Habitual drunkenness concerns partners for good reason – it strains emotional and physical availability. I’ve had many female clients who drank to cope with personal insecurities or relationship issues. Not only did excessive drinking exacerbate problems, it also made my clients seem unstable and risked authentic connection.
If you or your partner lean too hard on alcohol, seek to understand the root issues driving this behavior. Be caring yet firm in establishing healthier lifestyle boundaries.
3. Overly Critical Outlooks

Being frequently negative or critical never enchants partners. I advocate that all my clients adopt a balanced, empathetic perspective towards themselves and the world around them. Partners should uplift each other, not constantly tear down.
Cultivate self-compassion, and channel criticism into constructive solutions focused on specific behaviors rather than character attacks. Choose to see the good while still addressing issues from a thoughtful place.
4. Attention-Seeking Behavior
We all deserve to feel admired, but shallow attempts to fill this need often backfire in relationships. Partners see through inauthentic pleas for validation and grow exhausted by the drama.
True confidence shines brightest when you stop worrying about external appraisal. Foster a solid sense of self-worth, embrace your quirks, and devote energy to self-improvement for its own rewards.
5. Messy Appearances

Looking permanently disheveled with stained, baggy clothes sends the message you don’t care about yourself or your partner’s company. Making some effort to dress attractively and appropriately for each situation needn’t require losing comfort.
Aim for a well-groomed, flattering look avoiding extremes like excessive skin exposure or sloppiness. Find your own style that balances personality and polish.
6. Being Too Clingy
It’s wonderful to feel desired, but partners need personal space to thrive. Clinginess often betrays profound insecurity or lack of identity beyond a relationship. It unfairly obligates partners to shore up your self-worth.
Work on your own fulfillment separate from a partner through pursuits like careers, hobbies, and platonic bonds. Cultivate confidence from your capabilities while showing lovers they add value rather than complete you.
7. Overly Dramatic Reactions

Histrionics may fish for comforting attention initially, but partners soon feel manipulated and smothered by the burden of extreme emotions. Trust erodes as they tiptoe around triggers that set off excessive responses.
If you suffer dramatic mood swings, get professional support rather than weighing down your relationship. Ask specifically for the reactions that would help you, or kindly excuse yourself until calm.
8. Discussing Exes
We all have romantic histories, but dwelling on them with current partners breeds jealousy and prevents building intimacy. Shift focus to making new memories with someone who chooses to be with you right now.
If exes come up, acknowledge without lingering or editorializing. Curb urges to compare their traits to your partners’ — this rarely ends well!
9. Entitlement

Partners cannot live solely to cater to any one person’s needs and desires. Nurturing relationships require compassion and compromise. Partners who demand to receive more than they give erode foundations of trust and care.
Monitor feelings of deserving special privileges or exceptions over others’ wants. Be generous and gracious when you can, and communicate respectfully about getting needs met.
10. Outbursts of Anger

Occasional frustration and hurt arise in even the healthiest relationships. How conflicts get handled separates thriving couples from failed ones. Yelling, criticism, blame, vengefulness — these reactions only poison bonds of affection further.
When upset, state feelings without attacking partners’ character. Take time outs if needed until calm. Ultimately the goal is reconciliation, not “winning” via escalation.
11. Over-the-Top Appearances
Looking perpetually glammed up with heavy makeup, false lashes, and skimpy dresses telegraphs extreme vanity or dubious motives. Partners prefer authenticity balanced with reasonable efforts to look nice for them.
Play with makeup and fashion for fun, but avoid using it as an emotional crutch for validation. Opt for flattering outfits suitable for each situation — extra frills unnecessary.
12. Lacking Life Purpose

Partners crave being with someone excited to wake up each morning, not just coasting aimlessly through life. Shared adventures nourish bonds; joint stagnation slowly deflates them.
Identify passions then steadfastly pursue them. Let your zeal inspire your partner rather than relying solely on them for happiness. Value their support while avoiding jealousy as they too chase bold dreams.
13. Only Talking About Yourself
Conversation is give-and-take. Rattling on about your life without asking partners about theirs conveys self-absorption. Frequently interrupting compounds this frustration further.
Curb monologuing, especially if it becomes bragging. Prompt partners to share then listen attentively. Connect by discovering mutual hopes and experiences through open dialogue.
14. Outright Rudeness

Kindness glues healthy relationships together; cruelty corrodes them. Partners should feel safe, not walking on eggshells trying not to provoke mean reactions. Demeaning language erodes self-worth.
Never wield toxic words as weapons against loved ones. Monitor and manage your own anger, anxiety, or pain prompting lashing out. Heal through open communication, not retaliation.
15. Stubbornness
Relationships involve teamwork navigating endless compromises, not browbeating others into rigid submission. Inflexible partners strain bonds each time they dig in their heels.
Remain open-minded when partners express differing needs or opinions from yours. Find workable middle grounds through honest dialogue where both feel respected. Shared goals trump “my way or the highway.”
16. Unreliability & Flakiness

Few qualities strain relationships faster than broken promises and aborted plans. Partners feel foolish counting on those who repeatedly leave them hanging. Resentment replaces affection and trust dissolves.
Honor commitments made or renegotiate them respectfully ahead of time if needed. Build dependability by thoughtfully budgeting time and resources. Follow through on verbal agreements.
17. Stinginess
Occasional forgotten wallets or tight budgets happen to anyone, but habitual penny-pinching erodes romance fast. Partners want to enjoy life’s pleasures together, not keep score over who owes what.
Find reasonable balance in treating each other to special outings or gifts. Take turns doling out surprises that keep affection alive. If needed, honestly communicate financial constraints.
In Closing…
I hope illuminating common romantic pitfalls for all genders promotes better partnerships rooted in radical compassion. We all stumble sometimes pursuing love in an imperfect world. The path ahead shines brighter through mindful communication, accountability, and courage to change.
True confidence arises from self-knowledge — embrace your quirks. Give your relationship continual care and feeding like any other endeavor that you cherish. Compromise allows space for each person to thrive as individuals and a team moving joyfully through life together.
Prioritize kindness, flexibility and emotional availability in order to build strong intimacy that weathers challenges in style. Value your partner’s needs equally to your own. With daily empathy and patience, romance retains its magic spark!